Near-space bookings

During a balloon flight there is more time to experience and to share the spaceflight experience than with a suborbital vehicle. Instead of a handful of minutes, you get 2 hours to enjoy the beautiful view. Rocket flights go for the "rollercoaster effect" and bloon is opposite of that. It is not for speed demons, but going by a balloon to the upper layers of the atmosphere is just as exciting, while being more comfortable, more peaceful and above all, safer. Slowly you get an ever indescribable feeling and an idea what it's like to see Earth from Space. The balloon is at an altitude of 36km and that is enough to experience virtually the same view as from a height of 100km with a suborbital vehicle or from the ISS at 400km. The sky is black, the stars and the sun shine at the same time, the blue line of the atmosphere shimmers below, the view of the Earth is breath-taking.

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Category: near-space