Booking: Bloon

by Bloon | near-space

"Reviews will be available for all members after this flight is active."

Astronaut: Spaceflightbooking
Flight date: 15/01/13 , Bloon


Price: t.b.c.
Number of seats:
Window view: panoramic
View experience: passenger
Kind of aircraft: balloon
Max airspeed: -
Max height: 36 km
Zero gravity experience: lifted
Zero gravity duration: 45 seconds
Flight duration: 5-6 hours with 2 hours of dark sky
Flight location: Spain
Destination: near space
Other: guided parafoil

How it works?

The flight accommodates 4 guests in a luxurious and comfortable pod with panoramic windows. The ascent is the most crucial phase. Calm and beautiful weather is a requirement. The flight up takes about two hours. Then you stay at cruise altitude for 2 hours to take in the view, have a drink, eat a meal, listen to music, share this special moment in the way you want. To come back to Earth, the balloon separates and the pod lands with a special guided parachute. During descent you get half a minute of weightlessness.


During a balloon flight there is more time to experience and to share the spaceflight experience than with a suborbital vehicle. Instead of a handful of minutes, you get 2 hours to enjoy the beautiful view. Rocket flights go for the "rollercoaster effect" and bloon is opposite of that. It is not for speed demons, but going by a balloon to the upper layers of the atmosphere is just as exciting, while being more comfortable, more peaceful and above all, safer. Slowly you get an ever indescribable feeling and an idea what it´s like to see Earth from Space. The balloon is at an altitude of 36km and that is enough to experience virtually the same view as from a height of 100km with a suborbital vehicle or from the ISS at 400km. The sky is black, the stars and the sun shine at the same time, the blue line of the atmosphere shimmers below, the view of the Earth is breath-taking.

Contact Zero2Infinity

Where to find?

The first launch location is close to Madrid in Spain. bloon is also working on other sites which comply with the conditions of good weather, low winds and low density of population.


Zero2Infinity was founded in 2009 by aerospace engineer José Mariano Lopez Urdiales to put into practice an idea he had back in the year 2000 while attending the International Space University. High altitude ballooning has a big role to play in the field of space tourism, as it provides the safest and most comfortable way to admire the view of the Earth from above the atmosphere. The cost of a ticket will be quite high initially because of the high costs in development, but the objective is to make it more affordable in the long run to open it up to a wider public, as we believe this is a life-changing experience that has the potential of changing the world for the better, the more people see it.

Having successfully secured 2 rounds of funding with private Spanish capital, zero2infinity is now reaching out to international investors also for the next round. This round will bring zero2infinity to the next milestone: a human flight to Near-Space and the development of the final bloon pod.

Zero2infinity is already operating uncrewed flights, with scientific experiments on board, and is also open to any business proposals to fly pretty much anything into Near-Space.

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